Monday, March 9, 2009

Experience A

Regret is a funny thing. I would like to believe i have none but, sometimes little things you do, stick, make you understand that it was not a 'little' thing and that it defined a whole situation / relationship from then on. Sometimes i wish i was wiser back then, with a little more brain to comprehend what was being pointed out.

Like i said, some things just stick. It ain't no confession or a clarification. It's just an experience and a learning i am penning down so you don't'
maketh the mistake i did. A lot of times things happen unintentionally but, we need to realize, especially when its pointed out by the person who was affected, that it was wrong and we need to make amends. More than anything else you need to do it for the person who points it out because that person cares and you need to have that person in your life no matter what.

Definition is tricky so
I'll leave a lot to your imagination. It was yet another night at our favorite nightclub which played 'our' music like nobody else did. The club was in it's heyday and had a new artist every weekend. Another big night and we had to be there. The night started the usual but as it progressed, with too many people i knew pouring in, it became crazier than usual and obviously, by the end of it i was on a cocktail of alcohol and other such inside me creating mayhem!

During the process that led me to that state i had done something terrible, and not once but quite a few times over, without knowing or even realizing what the fuck i was
up to! Busy socializing with one and sundry i wanted her by my side, to the extent that i would actually go looking for her in the lower floor with close to a 1000 people. She would be there having a good time with her friends, i would pull her out and take her back to where i was. Start my conversations and useless socialising not realising that she was right there with me. Every time she excused herself after a while i would start the whole damn charade again. What a piece of shit i was!

Actions do speak louder words don't they?

In the morning, at home, she told me what i had done. But, we were too busy getting shit faced and so there was registry of what was being said! Now after it all being over and a few years gone by, i realize what i did. I feel ashamed and i feel regret!

Regret is a funny thing. You
don't want it but sometimes it catches up and shows you how to better yourself. Regret is important in short doses. It makes you a better human being.

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